莱因哈特:“Ana! How can this be? I thought you were dead.”(安娜!这怎么可能?我还以为你死了。)
安娜:“I'm sorry, Reinhardt. After everything that happened, I needed time.”(抱歉,莱因哈特,在经历了那么多事情之后,我需要时间。)
莱因哈特:“Just like old times, eh Ana?” (和以前一样,是吧安娜?)
安娜:“Reinhardt, things may change, but you never do.”(莱因哈特,即使时光飞逝,你却从未改变。)
黑百合:“You were once a legend...but what are you now? Just a shell of a woman.”(你曾经是个传奇……但看看你现在的样子,只不过是个老太婆而已。)
安娜:“I take it you don't want my autograph then.”(那么我猜你是不想要我的签名了。)
天使:“Ana, I don't approve of what you've done with my biotic technology.”(安娜,我并不赞同你对我的生物技术进行的调整。)
安娜:“I'm sorry you feel that way, but it suits my purposes now.”(抱歉,但我现在的任务正需要这些技术。)
天使:“You know, Ana, there are procedures we could look into to repair your eye.”(你知道吗,安娜,有些医疗手段可以治愈你的眼睛。)
安娜:“You are very kind, but I am comfortable with who I am now. It is a good reminder.”(你的好意我心领了,但我很喜欢自己现在的样子,那只眼睛对我来说是个提醒。)
法老之鹰:“Mom, I know why you didn't want me to join Overwatch, but it's still what I want.”(妈妈,我知道你不希望我加入守望先锋的原因,但这依然是我的梦想。)
安娜:“I didn't want that life for you. But I know that it is your decision, and I will support it.”(我并不希望你那么做,但我知道你已经下定决心,所以我还是会支持你的。)
法老之鹰:“I always dreamed of the day we'd fight together.”(我一直都梦想有朝一日我们能并肩战斗。)
安娜:“Wanting a better life for you was all I ever dreamed of.”(而我一直想给你一个更好的生活。)
麦克雷:“It's an honor fighting by your side, ma'am.”(和你并肩战斗是我的荣幸,夫人。)
安娜:“You always were a charmer.”(你还是这么惹人喜欢。)
托比昂:“Ana, we all thought you were dead!”(安娜!我们都以为你死了!)
安娜:“Well, I had to come back. I was worried you’d get bored not being able to stick your nose in my business.”(好吧,我不得不回到这里来,我曾担心你会无聊到不能再掺和我的事了。)